Partnership Announcement | 0chain x UREEQA | NFT 2021
Check out the new partnership 0chain x UREEQA.
Partnership Announcement | 0chain x UREEQA | NFT 2021
Check out the new partnership 0chain x UREEQA.
Blockchain- An Attractive Way for Musicians to Earn Money
With the advent of blockchain technology and non-fungible tokens for creators, musicians now have more tools at their fingertips than ever before. With these tools, they can make money and protect their intellectual property. Blockchain technology has a vast potential to revolutionize how music is created, produced, and distributed.
UREEQA AMA with CEO: Kirk Fergusson and COO: Joe Pillitteri
Another live UREEQA AMA with our CEO Kirk Fergusson and COO Joe Pillitteri. Kirk and Joe discuss everything from business goals to our #validation as a Service solution. As well as our validation of the #women of #venusverse #nft collection. We give a sneak peek about two new staking pools and an NFT giveaway. All UREEQA AMA's include #crypto prizes for the top 3 questions. Winners are selected and announced on Twitter and our Telegram group after the #ama .
Intellectual Property Protection Services - UREEQA
UREEQA is a leading blockchain-based platform that offers a wide range of IP protection services. Using the power of blockchain technology, UREEQA allows creators, innovators, and businesses to securely register and protect their original work, including copyrights, patents, trademarks, and more. Sign up today and take the first step towards securing your creative works and innovations.
Why Create as an Artist?
It takes a bit of time to learn the ins and outs of NFTs, but digital artists shouldn't avoid this as there are many opportunities to make a mark.