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Although innovations employing injection moulding or thermoforming with reel-fed systems have boosted the efficiency of the labelling process, in-mould labelling (IML) was first developed for blow moulding. In the original design, a heat seal layer is coated on the label’s backside before a substrate is added and heat-resistant ink is printed on it. Then, a lacquer coating that is heat resistant is used. With this method, it is no longer necessary to flame treat the bottles first before applying labels to ensure proper adhesion. The label substrate that the heat reactive adhesive was initially put to was paper. Polyolefin substrates, such Polyart from Arjobex Synthetic Papers, have been used more recently. The benefit of this is that leftover polyethylene and polypropylene bottles from the moulding process can be recycled without the requirement to remove the labels first.
