Where can I find the best deals on the New Tata Bus?
Some of the popular and high-demand Tata Buses are the Tata LP 407, Tata LP 912, Tata Ultra bus range, and Tata LPO 1618 which is used for intercity applications. Tata has a wide range of buses, starting from 5-ton gross weight and going up to 16.2 tons GVW. The biggest Tata Bus with maximum seating capacity is Tata Starbus Ultra 10.2 school bus which offers 59 seats to ferry school kids. The smallest Tata Bus with minimum seating capacity is Tata Starbus LP 410/29 which offers 12 seater bus option also. Tata Buses' price range starts from 12.23 Lakh* and goes up to 34.58 Lakh* in India.TrucksBuses.com displays the widest range of Tata Buses available for sale in India with best price offers. With TrucksBuses, you can buy a new Tata Bus in the comfort of your home and the best price.