INGREDIENTS: *Hemp-Derived Cannabidiol (CBD) and Full Spectrum CBD Proprietary Blend (CBN, CBG), Plant-Derived Terpenes. SEE QR CODE FOR DETAILS.
INSTRUCTIONS: Click button 5 times to turn on/off.
SUGGESTED USE: Take 1-2 small puffs not exceeding 3 seconds. CAUTION: KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. THIS IS A HEMP-DERIVED PRODUCT. This product is intended for use by healthy adults age 21 years & older. Consult a healthcare professional prior to use of Full Spectrum CBD. Full Spectrum CBD may be harmful if you are pregnant, nursing or are taking any medication or have a medical condition. Discontinue use immediately if adverse reaction occurs and consult your physician. The FDA has not evaluated this product for safety or efficacy. There is no current standardized methodology for verifying full spectrum CBD content. As required by Florida state law, Full Spectrum CBD potency is verified by an independent third party lab. The results of the independent third party lab tests are available to you on our website and by scanning the QR code on the package. Test results may vary by individual laboratory and/ or test method. This product contains less than 0.2% total delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol (Delta-9 THC). Drug tests vary in sensitivity, and you may test positive for Delta-9 THC when taking Full Spectrum CBD products. Over time color variations may occur in this product. The amount (mg) of Full Spectrum CBD may vary by dose and by packaging. If Full Spectrum CBD is used beyond the expiration date, potency may decrease. May cause drowsiness. Do not drive or operate heavy machinery while taking Full Spectrum CBD. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Product Price: - $19.99
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