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Microsoft Power Platform Training | Microtek Learning

At Microtek Learning, we provide you with well-liked Microsoft Power Platform Training with a focus on delivering our students the ideal instruction to fully comprehend the technology. Therefore, we have qualified and experienced instructors who can instruct you on all levels of concepts, from the most fundamental to the most complex, including PowerApps fundamentals, media and branding, power app integration, power app controls, features of Power BI Desktop, deploying and designing dashboards, etc. Not only will our teachers help you understand these issues, but they will also provide thorough guidance. These well-known training programmes were created by us with the assistance of professionals with experience using the power platform.

visit: https://www.microteklearning.c....om/blog/improve-your

Improve Your Team with Microsoft Power Platform Training

A Power Platform is, in the essence, a combination comprised of 4 distinct technology which functions as a single unit. Read more about it here.